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Web Hosting Service, Web Site Design, Web Site Promotion In Singapore

"Free" Works In Marketing, Especially On The Internet

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The Magic Word

In order to make sales online, there is one thing you absolutely must do: you must motivate people to read what you have to say. Whether it is your email message or your web pages, if they don't read it, you don't make sales.

Among all the methods to make them read, one stands out and shoulders above the rest - giving something of value away for FREE. Free is the magic word proven to work time and time again.

Here's a perfect example of this in action: our free newsletter Web Power. By subscribing, you will get 5 online business ebooks ($100+ Value) and a special report Top 10 Reasons Your Web Site Does Not Sell as free gifts.

When you see the invitation to this free newsletter, at our site, in classified ads, in email signature, from newsgroup... will you be curious as to what's in the report? Or want to get the gift eBooks? Sure you will. And you've got nothing to lose at all.

How many times have you tried a free magazine subscription? How about a free month of internet connection? Ever receive a free shampoo sample in the mail?

You see, these big companies know the Power Of Free. Do you think they would go around giving their stuff away for free if it didn't pay off in the long run?

Even if you never subscribe to that magazine, sign on with that ISP, or buy that brand of shampoo, these companies have accomplished an objective. You have tried their product and heard their name. Perhaps you even were impressed by the fact that they gave you something for free.

The bottom line is that "free" works in marketing, especially on the Internet.

Whether it is a free subscription to your email newsletter, a free software download, or something else of value, if you give it away for free with no strings, people will get it and remember you.

What can you give away that is valuable to your prospects, but is low or no cost to you? On the Internet, you can always create no cost freebies to give away. You can always find an angle.

Provide free articles to other web sites. Free eBook downloads. Give away free CGI programs. Provide hundreds of links to needed tools. Provide links to downloadable software. Free newsletter of value. Free e-greeting cards. Free clip arts. Free banner design service...

Don't limit your thinking to just what I have listed. Open your mind and begin thinking outside the box. Go to any search engine and search for "free", millions of pages will come out providing all sorts of freebies. Learn from others what you can give away.

For example, I bought the resell right of Corey Rudl's new eBook How To Create A Fortune On The Internet In Just Four Simple Steps and sell it at our another site.

It's a fantastic online money-making guide. To make the package more attractive, I bundle five bonus eBooks with it - more than $100 value! I believe there are others promoting this book, but nobody is offering such useful eBooks as bonuses for free!

Don't give away rubbish. You want people come to you looking for valuable information which gives you the opportunity to direct them to your product or service so that they end up buying from you.

Your objective is to get lots of traffic and develop credibility. If people feel your freebie is useless, whether free or not, they won't come back to you for more.

Giving away something for free can make the difference between a winning site and a losing one. So make sure you have something of value for your visitors!

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Article by Zac Hewlett at 1stSingaporeWebHosting
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